Thursday, April 24, 2014

Don't slash your own tires

I was reminded of a lesson I learned this morning and I wanted to get it down here so I cloud maybe look back and not have to learn that lesson again.
People have a tendency to call making poor food choices, or having a binge episode as falling off the wagon.   Once you have fallen off that wagon it may be very difficult to get on it again. 
I don't know about you but I have never actually fallen off a wagon but I can imagine the difficulty getting back up.  First you are hurt by the fall,  you thought you were riding this thing so well. Then, the wagon keeps on moving workout you and it is up to you and your wounded little butt to catch up and get back where you belong.  Wouldn't it be easier to stay off that wagon and maybe catch the next one when it comes along.  If you do choose to wait for that wagon,  how do you explain why you aren't on the one you started off on any more.  If course there is no guarantee that there will be another wagon for you to get on, or how long you have to sit with your wounded pride until it comes along.
I don't like to think of it like that.  Jillian Michaels had a quote I love.  (Like her or hate her she had some real lessons you can learn of you listen close enough)  When you get a flat tire do you give up and slash the other three tires?  That is what you are doing if you have a moment of weakness, or whatever you want to call it, and decide that the day is ruined already so you might as well eat whatever you want.  I can't tell you the number of times I have thought,  "I have blown it already so the day is wasted and I might as well eat the cake,  or chocolate,  or candy."
Of course if you get a flat tire on your car,  you get out, assess the damage,  put the spare on and go about your day as close to your original plan as possible.  If there is damage you deal with it.  If there is a nail in the tire you get it fixed.  What was the nail in the tire that threw you off your eating wagon?  Was it stress,  sadness,  loneliness,  an intense emotion?  Deal with that problem.  Don't just put the tire back on without finding the cause or you will get another flat.   If you drove across a pile of nails that punctured the tire,  how can you avoid that area the next time?  You don't get a flat tire because you did something wrong or because you are a bad person.  You don't choose to destroy you eating plan because you are flawed.  Fond out what went wrong and learn what to do about it for the next time.

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