Thursday, July 21, 2011

Mary Kay Seminar Day 0

I am currently in Dallas at the Mary Kay annual seminar.  This is my frst year with Mary Kay and therefore my first seminar.  There are so many excited women around me, all with absolutely beautiful skin.  I have seen some very interesting takes on how makeup can be worn I must say. 
Unfortunately I am not one of those hyper excited women tonight.  By all rights I should be.   I had a geat first year with Mary Kay, especially since I found out I finished the year at number 2 in my unit and I made the princess court of sales for my national area.  That doesn't mean much to people who aren't in Mary Kay, and honestly I don't think I really did anything to deserve that except spend a whole heck of a lot of money building up a full store inventory. 
Don't worry, the heck of a lot is paid off and now whatever I sell  I am making money which is quite nice.  I just wish I was as excited as some of these other women seem to be.
Maybe it is lack of sleep.  Maybe it is that I have been outside of the pink world for too long.  Whatever it is, I still love selling Mary Kay and will sell and use the product for the rest of my life.

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